Price seems to be the main reason for people to choose which
insurance broker and policy they use. The insurers have realised that some brokers
will peddle any policy if the price and the keyfacts document look good.
We have recently seen a client, who is looked after by a superficially
reputable national broker, sold a policy that we would consider unacceptable in
its terms.

Our audit's findings relate to the following clauses covering
the Employers and Public Liability sections of the policy.
It shall be a condition precedent to ALL Liability Sections
that the Insured shall ensure that they and their Employees, and any third
parties acting on the Insured's behalf, comply with all applicable statutory
requirements, and Health & Safety Executive (HSE) regulations, approved
codes of practice, recommendations and guidance, or those of any equivalent
bodies in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, applicable
to the operations and processes conducted in connection with the Business”
In the event of a serious injury taking place the client
will have to demonstrate compliance with a moving target of HSE guidance
delivered via website which changes daily.
The policy also required suitable PPE, maintained in working
order, employees trained in its use, signed off and a disciplinary regime in
place for non compliance”
We believe insurance is there for the times when accidents
happen and processes fail, however in this case:-
- No safety boots - no cover
- No goggles being worn whilst grinding - no cover
- Workplace noise over 85db and a loss of hearing suffered -
no cover
The largest claim for personal injury in the UK is £15m - a
business does not need to be fighting these claims by itself or employing a
solicitor to get its claim paid by the insurer.